Beyond Dance - There’s a Deeper Mission

It’s more than just about dance. It’s about the positive feeling a child has when they walk in the door. Every decision we make is rooted in how to make that happen for our dancing community. And the best way to demonstrate this concept in action is to given a tangeable example. With Halloween just around the corner, let’s walk you through how our staff has worked tirelessly to create a positive space (beyond dance) that fills our students with joy.

The Decorations

It might seem like it’s just fun Halloween spirit, but our studio is decked out in the most wonderful, welcoming, creative decoration that makes it feel like home. As the students discovered these decorations in early October, we saw the dazzle in their eyes and that sense of belonging - that sense of “I’m a part of a community that celebrates these shared experiences.”

The Games

Games are fun, but we also know that they connect people. Right now, when you walk into our studio lobby, there is a candy jar guessing game that has become one of the most popular October hangouts. As our students, mill about the guessing game area, they laugh, they ponder, they work out complicated mathematical equations together, and they even philosophize all with the hopes of making their best guess of how many M&Ms are in that jar. Years from now, they won’t remember how many were actually in the jar, or even who won. But they will remember the fun they had spending time together trying to figure it out.

The Quests

As each class ventures out on their quest during their break to find the 5 hidden friendly skeletons of DAU, which we have endearingly named Harry, Sherry, Larry, Terry, and Garry, the excitement in their eyes when they find the skeletons as a team is priceless. We regular see students bringing their parents in before or after class to proudly show them where their class discovered the 5 hidden members of the skeleton pack. And they truly feel that they have accomplished something special with their fellow dancing friends.

The Performances

It’s tradition to learn Halloween spirited dances during October. This year, our little Creative Dance and Intro to Dance classes have something truly unique to add to their Halloween memory. They have all been taught a choreography to the newly released Halloween children’s song Monster Wants Candy - by Steve Shapiro and will soon become movie stars when the compiled performances from their classes is incorporated into a wonderful keepsake video that will be shared with our community. The joy in their eyes around this project is off the charts.

The Partys

Our staff is hard at work creating the most extraordinary pre-trick-or-treat activity for all children in the local area next Tuesday, 10/31. Lovingly called “Boo Bash” this event will take place from 3:30-5:00pm and is open to anyone and everyone who would like to partake in a spooktacular afternoon full of arts and crafts, games, photo opportunities, and costume contests! Did we need to do this? The answer is - in our hearts and in our minds - in fact we did. We know the attendees of this special event will remember it fondly for years to come, and that’s motivation enough for us to make it happen.

So as you can see, it’s not just about dance. It’s about the warm fuzzy feeling. And when it comes down to it, that is why we are in this business. We have an opportunity to create that joy for children and we don’t take that for granted. And truly, it’s the best job in the world when you can create that kind of space for a child.

If you would like to become part of this special community and feel that positive feeling when you walk in the door, we welcome you to contact us by phone or email to explore your opportunities at Dance Academy USA. We hope to welcome you in soon! 


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