Production Company (DAUPC) and Performance Team (DAUPT) - What’s the difference?
Are you interested in joining a dance team in Season 24-25? Dance Academy USA has two incredible programs to choose from: Production Company (DAUPC) and Performance Team (DAUPT). In this article, we announce our audition/application sign-ups for our two dance team programs and explain the difference between the two. No doubt one of them is calling your name in Season 24-25!

The Role of Dance in a Child’s Upbringing
As a dance studio, we are in unique position to watch the extraordinary journey of a child, sometimes all the way from age 3 to age 18. In this article, we share our perspective about the powerful role that dance plays throughout a child’s upbringing, from preschool all the way to high school graduation.

Why Join Now?
Have you been dreaming of taking a dance class? If you join now, you will be swept up into the Recital 2024 fun. In this article we describe all the reasons why joining just in time to participate in recital is a worthwhile endeavor. Check it out!

Impact of Dance for the School Age Child
The extraordinary benefits of dance are experienced everyday by our school age students, and we wanted to share with you all that you have to look forward to when you sign up a 6-12 year old for a weekly dance class. The positive impacts on their life are incredible. Check it out!

Dance and Social Development in Preschool Children
Explore all the critical and impactful ways that dance class enhances the social and emotional development of a preschooler.

Leap Into the Holidays
Wondering what it’s like to be part of a dance studio that cares about the whole experience of our students? Take a look at how we celebrate the holiday season, and you’ll understand what it feels like to be swept up into our warm culture at Dance Academy USA.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Dancers
Are you searching for holiday gift ideas for your dancer? We’ve got you covered. Check out this list of gift ideas that will surely fill your dancing loved one with excitement this season!

Turkey Games for Turkey Day
If your children love music and dance, you can make Thanksgiving extra enjoyable for them by incorporating fun activities into the holiday week. In this article, we provide you with 5 dance and movement games to play during the holiday break. Check it out!

Maintaining Flexibility Over the Upcoming Holidays
Before we know it, the holiday season will be upon us. Let’s set you up with a stretching plan to maintain your flexibility over these longer vacation breaks. In this article, we provide stretching tips that you can apply during the holidays to continue all the progress you have made with your flexibility. Check it out!

Selecting a Dance Style
There are so many incredible dance class styles to choose from and it can be overwhelming to zero in on the one that best speaks to you. In this article, we give you a rundown of five main styles along with links to recital videos demonstrating each style to help guide your search.

Beyond Dance - There’s a Deeper Mission
Dance studios teach dance. But take a closer look and you will find that childhood activities, in their best form, offer so much more beyond the mere technical skillset acquired. At Dance Academy USA, we have a deeper mission that drives us - to create an experience for children that fills their bucket, that makes them smile, that brings them companionship, and that drives them to pursue meaning in their life. Read this article to learn more about this fundamental mission.

The Extraordinary Benefits of Ballet
When you sign up a child for ballet class, you’re in for a world of benefits that go well beyond dance itself. In this article, discover the mental and physical skill sets developed by our youngest ballet dancers and how their ballet training can have a profound impact on their lives in a myriad of ways.

Improving Choreo Retention
Are you interested in improving your choreo retention skills for upcoming auditions? In this article, we share several helpful tips to take your choreography processing skills to the next level.

Dance-Themed Halloween Costumes
Looking for fun dance-themed Halloween costume ideas? We’ve got you covered. It’s time to start planning how to make use of those old recital costumes to sport your dancing pride on October 31st. Check out these costume ideas and let’s see sparks your imagination…

Balancing Dance and Academics
If it were up to you, would your life would consist of eating, sleeping and dancing. This scenario is all too familiar for many of our passionate dancers. However, it’s also important to remain focused on your education. In this article, we provide helpful guidelines for finding the balance between dance and academics.

The Unique Benefits of Acro Dance
Discover the physical and mental benefits in store for dancers who take on the Acro style in their weekly classes.

The Avid Dancer’s Guide to Staying Healthy
For the avid dancer, it is especially important to take good care of your body! Follow these helpful guidelines to stay healthy and strong throughout your dance training journey.

Nutrition for the Dancer Athlete
There is no question that dance is a rigorous sport and one that requires careful attention to proper nutrition. Let’s take a close look at how to best fuel a dancer’s body for endurance and high energy performance.

Top 10 Tips to Excel in Dance
Every dancer shares the same goal—become as good as possible as quickly as possible. Here are 10 tips to help you become the best dancer you can be.

6 Reasons Why Dancing is Good for Your Brain
When you consider the health benefits of dancing, you might think of increased flexibility, stronger muscles, and other physical outcomes associated with being active. But did you know that dance lessons are also good for your brain? Read this article to discover why.