With over 25 instructors, we are well staffed to nurture the proper growth and development of our students. Our teachers come to DAU from all over the country offering our student-body lots of amazing options under one roof. As a result, they receive a well-rounded education and learn life skills that can be applied outside of the dance studio.
Ms. Aja
Ms. Amy P.
Ms. Amy W.
Mr. Carlos
Ms. Christina
Ms. Corrine
Ms. Ember
Ms. Gabby
Ms. Halle
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jen H.
Mr. Jayvin
Ms. Jen C.
Ms. Journey
Ms. Joy
Ms. Karen
Ms. Kass
Ms. Katie
Ms. Kiana
Ms. Kolby
Ms. Madi
Ms. Mandi
Ms. Marcie
Ms. Marina
Ms. Michelle
Ms. Mimi
Ms. Myky
Ms. Natalee
Mr. Neil
Ms. Nicole
Ms. Noor
Ms. Sam
Mr. Sunny
Ms. Tami